45 research outputs found

    A Comparison Framework for Walking Performances using aSpaces

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    In this paper, we address the analysis of human actions by comparing different performances of the same action executed by different actors. Specifically, we present a comparison procedure applied to the walking action, but the scheme can be applied to other different actions, such as bending, running, etc. To achieve fair comparison results, we define a novel human body model based on joint angles, which maximizes the differences between human postures and, moreover, reflects the anatomical structure of human beings. Subsequently, a human action space, called aSpace, is built in order to represent each performance (i.e., each predefined sequence of postures) as a parametric manifold. The final human action representation is called p-action, which is based on the most characteristic human body postures found during several walking performances. These postures are found automatically by means of a predefined distance function, and they are called key-frames. By using key-frames, we synchronize any performance with respect to the p- action. Furthermore, by considering an arc length parameterization, independence from the speed at which performances are played is attained. As a result, the style of human walking can be successfully analysed by establishing the differences of the joints between a male and a female walkers

    B煤squeda de ancentros comunes entre genomas de diferentes especies

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    La cerca de similituds entre regions de diferents genomes ofereix molta informaci贸 sobre les relaciones entre les especies d'aquest genomes. Es molt 煤til per a l'estudi de la conservaci贸 de gens d'una especia a un altre, de com les propietats d'un gen son assignades a un altre gen o de com es creen variacions en genomes diferents durant l'evoluci贸 d'aquestes especies. La finalitat d'aquest projecte es la creaci贸 d'una eina per a la cerca d'ancestres comuns de diferents especies basada en la comparaci贸 de la conservaci贸 entre regions dels genomes d'aquestes especies. Per a una comparaci贸 entre genomes mes efica莽 una part important del projecte es destinar脿 a la creaci贸 d'una nova unitat de comparaci贸. Aquestes noves unitats seran superestructures basades en agrupaci贸 dels MUMs existent per la mateixa comparaci贸 que anomenarem superMUMs. La aplicaci贸 final estar脿 disponible al servidor: http://revolutionresearch.uab.esLa b煤squeda de similitudes entre regiones de diferentes genomas aporta mucha informaci贸n sobre las relaciones entre las especies de estos genomas. Es muy 煤til para el estudio de la conservaci贸n de genes de una especie a otra, de c贸mo las propiedades de un gen son asignados a otro gen o de c贸mo se crean variaciones en genomas diferentes durante la evoluci贸n de esas especies. La finalidad de este proyecto es la creaci贸n de herramientas para la b煤squeda de ancestros comunes de distintas especies basada en la comparaci贸n de la conservaci贸n entre regiones de los genomas de dichas especies. Para una comparaci贸n entre genomas m谩s eficaz una importante del parte del proyecto se dedicara a la creaci贸n de una nueva unidad de comparaci贸n. Estas nuevas unidades ser谩n superestructuras basadas en agrupaciones de los MUMs existentes de la misma comparaci贸n que llamaremos superMUMs. La aplicaci贸n final estar谩 disponible en el servidor: http://revolutionresearch.uab.esThe search for similarities between regions of different genomes provides much information on the relationships among species of these genomes. As the study of conservation of genes from one species to another, how the properties of a gene are assigned to another gene or how to create variations in different genomes during the evolution of these species. This project describes the creation of tools to search for common ancestry of different species based on a comparison of conservation among regions of the genomes of these species For a more effective comparison of genomes a part of the project will be dedicated to the creation of a new unit of comparison. These new units will be superstructures based on groupings of existing MUMS called superMUMs. The final application will be available at the server: http://revolutionresearch.uab.e

    Human action recognition based on estimated weak poses

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    Altres ajuts: Avanza I+D ViCoMo (TSI-020400-2009-133) and DiCoMa (TSI-020400-2011-55)We present a novel method for human action recognition (HAR) based on estimated poses from image sequences. We use 3D human pose data as additional information and propose a compact human pose representation, called a weak pose, in a low-dimensional space while still keeping the most discriminative information for a given pose. With predicted poses from image features, we map the problem from image feature space to pose space, where a Bag of Poses (BOP) model is learned for the final goal of HAR. The BOP model is a modified version of the classical bag of words pipeline by building the vocabulary based on the most representative weak poses for a given action. Compared with the standard k-means clustering, our vocabulary selection criteria is proven to be more efficient and robust against the inherent challenges of action recognition. Moreover, since for action recognition the ordering of the poses is discriminative, the BOP model incorporates temporal information: in essence, groups of consecutive poses are considered together when computing the vocabulary and assignment. We tested our method on two well-known datasets: HumanEva and IXMAS, to demonstrate that weak poses aid to improve action recognition accuracies. The proposed method is scene-independent and is comparable with the state-of-art method

    Providing automatic multilingual text generation to artificial cognitive systems

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    This contribution addresses the incorporation of a module for advanced user interaction into an artificial cognitive vision system to include the human-in-the-loop. Specifically, the document describes a method to automatically generate natural language textual descriptions of meaningful events and behaviors, in a controlled scenario. One of the goals of the system is to be capable of producing these descriptions in multiple languages. We will introduce some relevant stages of the whole system, and concentrate on the linguistic aspects which have been taken into account to derive final text from conceptual predicates. Some experimental results are provided for the description of simple and complex behaviors of pedestrians in an intercity crosswalk, for Catalan, English, Italian, and Spanis

    Bioinform谩tica : identificar genes en una interfaz gr谩fica v铆a web para la comparaci贸n de genomas

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    Este trabajo desarrolla el proceso de dise帽o e implementaci贸n de una interfaz web que permite la exploraci贸n en detalle de las relaciones entre genomas completos. La interfaz permite la comparaci贸n simult谩nea de nueve genomas, representando en cada gr谩fica las relaciones entre cada par de genomas junto los genes identificados de cada uno de ellos. Es capaz de trabajar con genomas del dominio Eukaryota y se adapta a la capacidad de c贸mputo de la m谩quina cliente. La informaci贸n representada son MUMs (Maximal Unique Matching, secuencia m谩xima y 煤nica encontrada en ambos genomas) y SuperMUMs (agrupaci贸n de MUMs mediante Approximate String Matching). Los datos son previamente calculados y accesibles desde un servidor web.Aquest treball desenvolupa el proc茅s de disseny i implementaci贸 d'una interf铆cie web que permet l'exploraci贸 detallada de les relacions entre genomes complets. La interf铆cie permet la comparaci贸 simult脿nia de nou genomes, representant en cada gr脿fica les relacions entre cada parell de genomes junt els gens identificats de cadascun d'ells. 脡s capa莽 de treballar amb genomes del domini Eukaryota i s'adapta a la capacitat de c貌mput de la m脿quina client. La informaci贸 representada s贸n MUMs (Maximal Unique Matching, seq眉猫ncia m脿xima i 煤nica trobada en tots dos genomes) i SuperMUMs (agrupaci贸 de MUMs mitjan莽ant Approximate String Matching). Les dades s贸n pr猫viament calculades i accessibles des d'un servidor web.This work develops the process of designing and implementing a web interface that allows detailed examination of the relationship between complete genomes. The interface allows simultaneous comparison of nine genomes, each graph is representing the relationships between each pair of genomes with the genes identified for each of them. Able to work with domain Eukaryote genomes and adapts to the computing capacity of the client machine. The information represented are MUMs (Unique Maximal Matching, maximum and unique sequence found in both genomes) and SuperMUMs (MUMs grouping by Approximate String Matching). The data is pre-calculated and accessible from a web server

    Obtenci贸 de jerarquies d'estats cel路lulars via web

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    Hi ha diversos m猫todes d'an脿lisi que duen a terme una agrupaci贸 global de la s猫ries de mostres de microarrays, com SelfOrganizing Maps, o que realitzen agrupaments locals tenint en compte nom茅s un subconjunt de gens coexpressats, com Biclustering, entre d'altres. En aquest projecte s'ha desenvolupat una aplicaci贸 web: el PCOPSamplecl, 茅s una eina que pertany als m猫todes d'agrupaci贸 (clustering) local, que no busca subconjunts de gens coexpresats (an脿lisi de relacions linials), si no parelles de gens que davant canvis fenot铆pics, la seva relaci贸 d'expressi贸 pateix fluctuacions. El resultats del PCOPSamplecl ser脿n les diferents distribucions finals de clusters i les parelles de gens involucrades en aquests canvis fenot铆pics. Aquestes parelles de gens podr脿n ser estudiades per trobar la causa i efecte del canvi fenot铆pic. A m茅s, l'eina facilita l'estudi de les depend猫ncies entre les diferents distribucions de clusters que proporciona l'aplicaci贸 per poder estudiar la intersecci贸 entre clusters o l'aparici贸 de subclusters (2 clusters d'una mateixa agrupaci贸 de clusters poden ser subclusters d'altres clusters de diferents distribucions de clusters). L'eina 茅s disponible al servidor: http://revolutionresearch.uab.es/Hay varios m茅todos de an谩lisis que llevan a una agrupaci贸 global de la serie de muestras de microarrays, como Self-Organizing Maps, o que realizan agrupaciones locales considerando s贸lo un subconjunto de genes coexpressados, como Biclustering, entre otros. En este proyecto se ha desarrollado una aplicaci贸n web: el PCOPSample-cl, es una herramienta que pertenece a los m茅todos de agrupaci贸n (clustering) local, que no busca subconjuntos de genes coexpresados (an谩lisis de relaciones lineales), sino pares de genes que ante cambios fenot铆picos su relaci贸n de expresi贸n sufre fluctuaciones. El resultado de PCOPSample-cl seran la distintas distribuciones finales de clusters y los pares de genes involucrados en estos cambios fenot铆picos. Estos pares de genes podran ser estudiados para encontrar la causa y efecto del cambio fenot铆pico. Adem脿s, la herramienta facilita el estudio de las dependencias entre las diferentes distribuciones de clusters que proporciona la aplicaci贸n para poder estudiar la intersecci贸n entre clusters o la aparici贸n de subclusters (2 clusters de una misma agrupaci贸n de clusters pueden ser subclusters de diferentes distribuciones de clusters). La herramienta est谩 disponible en el servidor: http://revolutionresearch.uab.es/There are several analytical methods that perform a global clustering of the microarray sample series, such as Self-Organizing Maps, or which perform local clusterings considering only a subset of coexpressed genes, such as Biclustering, and so on. The PCOPSample-cl belongs to the local-clustering methods, but not considering subsets of co-expressed genes if not considering only pairs of genes whose expression dependence suffers a fluctuation due to a phenotype change. The phenotypes involved in the phenotype change will constitute de final sample clusters. The pairs of genes whose expression dependence suffers the phenotype change are provided together with the sample-clusters arrangement they belongs. These pairs of genes can be used to study the cause or the effect of the phenotype changes. The different sample-culster arrangements can be compared to determine their dependence: cluster-intersection or subclusters (two clusters of one cluster arrangement can be subclusters of other cluster of a different cluster arrangement). The webtool is available at the server: http://revolutionresearch.uab.es

    Bioinform谩tica : base de datos de matrices de expresi贸n g茅nica para su an谩lisis v铆a web

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    El IBB ha desarrollado un servidor de aplicaciones: http://revolutionresearch.uab.es para el an谩lisis de microarrays. Estas microarrays las obtienen y las suben a la base de datos local los usuarios de la aplicaci贸n. En la presente memoria se detalla el proceso realizado para automatizar la subida de microarrays p煤blicas a la base de datos local. Estas microarrays se obtendr谩n del NCBI. El proceso de descarga de microarrays se realizar谩 cada dos meses y estar谩 sincronizado con un proceso de descarga de genes marcadores de microarrays del NCBI. En la memoria tambi茅n se describen las fases realizadas para crear la interfaz web para gestionar estas microarrays p煤blicas y las modificaciones realizadas sobre el aplicativo web para permitir realizar an谩lisis con estas microarrays.L' IBB ha desenvolupat un servidor d'aplicacions: http://revolutionresearch.uab.es per l'an脿lisi de microarrays. Aquestes microarrays les obtenen y les pugen a la base de dades local els usuaris de l'aplicaci贸. En la present mem貌ria es detalla el proc茅s realitzat para automatitzar la pujada de microarrays p煤bliques a la base de dades local. Aquestes microarrays s'obtindran del NCBI. El proc茅s de descarrega de microarrays es realitzar脿 cada dos mesos y estar脿 sincronitzat amb un proc茅s de descarrega de gens marcadors de microarrays del NCBI. A la mem貌ria tamb茅 es descriuen las fases realitzades per crear la interf铆cie web para gestionar aquestes microarrays p煤bliques y las modificacions realitzades sobre l'aplicatiu web per permetre realitzar an脿lisis amb aquestes microarrays.The IBB center has developed a application server: http://revolutionresearch.uab.es to analyze the microarrays. These microarrays are obtained and uploaded to the local database by the application users. This report details the process undertaken in order to automate the public microarrays upload to the local database. These microarrays will obtain from the NCBI. The download process will perform every two months and will be synchronized with a download process of gene markers of the NCBI. The report also describes the steps taken to create the web interface to manage these public microarrays and the changes made on the web application to allow these microarray analysis